On the day of the Jubilee I drink a cuppa to the Queen, and list 20 things I miss about England.
In no particular order:
- Rain
- No one complaining because it’s raining
- The accent (really, it just sounds cool)
- Public transportation that’s not a ‘special treat’ to take
- Trains
- Cheaper PG Tips
- Chocolate Digestives
- Walking to Safeways then Alexandria Park for a picnic lunch
- Walking to Hastings seafront
- Walking around London without a map
- Walking
- Telling people you walked and not getting the reaction “you walked?!”
- That park in London Evie took me too
- And Cafe Mozart nearby
- Fewer commercials
- Real news
- British Bookshops and Sussex Stationers
- Cadbury Creme Egg McFlurry
- Free museums in London
- Student discounts that actually amount to something; like watching Patrick Stewart in Anthony and Cleopatra from the middle of the fourth row for only £10

Oh, and 21. People, so many wonderful people.
I laughed at no.12. We are more likely to have the reaction 'you took a car!? you lazy soandso'. No. 13. the park is called Hampstead Heath (as seen in the film Notting Hill) I think of you when I go there!. I shall appreciate some of the others in your honour, in fact, I shall share this post and tell my friends to as well. :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Evie :) I think about that park often too. Fond memories!