18 January 2013

When Plans Don't Work

As soon as the website loaded I heard Cora whimpering.  She's supposed to be asleep for another 45 minutes at least.  I had it all planned.  I was finally going to sit down to right a blog post.  A blog post that was long overdue with the 'ugly' Christmas sweater pic I promised (read the post here).  I had it all planned to take a cute photo of me 'adjusting' Pete's fake tie with my back to the camera so the picture on the back would show.  That didn't happen.  I had other blog posts planned about the stockings I finally made for Cora and Pete (still one to come for myself) and Christmas traditions.  Obviously those didn't happen, and now it is January 18th.  Too late for Christmas tradition posts, too late for New Year's resolution posts (good thing I didn't resolve to post more).

Christmas was wonderful and full of time with family.  But that left little time for things like finishing my Montessori Math Album (my self-given due date of January 1st has come and gone), and even less time for things like blog posts.

Unfortunately that's how I've been feeling lately, too late or running late, or about to be late or that I'm trying to play catch up.  It's a vicious circle that I'm trying to break.  It's hard to have grace for myself.  But I know that my Math Album is almost done and will eventually be done despite a toddler and a new weekend grad class this semester.

Here are some of the things I did back in December:

Our sweaters.  Unfortunately we didn't win.

The front of my sweater.  The sequins on the pockets were already on the sweater.

Cora's stocking on Christmas Eve

His grace is sufficient for me.